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Mahidol University Logo

Faculty of ICT logo

Core Value Logo

Faculty Colors: Oceanic Green and Cream

Color: Oceanic Green
HEX: #006C6C
RGB Code: R = 0, G = 108, B = 108
CMYK Code: C = 89, M = 40, Y = 54, K = 18

Color: Cream
RGB Code: R = 255, G = 255, B = 201
CMYK Code: C = 2, M = 0, Y = 25, K = 0

Oceanic Green and Cream Colors represent the continuous and sustainable growth, as well as the preservation of the University and Faculty’s dignity. The colors also stand for the professional knowledge which can be beneficial to society morally and ethically.

Oceanic Green means the continuous advent and maturity which is like nature, elegance, prestige, and competence in professions, as well as the spaciousness and profoundness of the ocean which are traces of creation.

Source of the color: Oceanic Green is made of blue and green mixed together in equal proportions. Blue is the color of Mahidol University. Green is the color of trees which represent the advent, as well as continuous and sustainable maturity. Thus, Oceanic Green also represents elegance, prestige, spaciousness and profoundness of the ocean, the traces of creation which are like the ICT field that can be applied to various fields and professions.

Cream means morality and ethics.

Source of the color: Cream, which normally means softness, politeness and gentleness, is made by mixing yellow and white together in proper proportions. Yellow represents the birth color of the King’s late father, King Rama IX, as well as the color of the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University from where the Faculty of ICT originates. In addition, white means ethics. Here, the cream implies that the Faculty of ICT will grow up morally and ethically.

Faculty Flag

Map of the Faculty of ICT