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The computer technology has transformed how we live, socialize, do business and even take care of ourself today. Thanks to recent innovations in the mobile, Internet and web/software development technology, we can enjoy our life as we do today. These innovations are made possible by computer technology which is largely driven by the advance in the field of computer science consisting of many sub specialty areas.

For M.Sc. in Computer Science, the Faculty of ICT offers highly technical courses which are foundation to the field of computer science. We target hands-on students who would like to become experts in the field of software development, data science, network administration, computer and security, and computer graphics. Due to the establishment of the M.Sc. in Cyber Security and Information Assurance and M.Sc. in Game Technology and Gamification programs, the M.Sc. in Computer Science program now focuses more on software development, software engineering, database management, artificial intelligence, and data science. The M.Sc. in Computer Science program is a two-year program. The candidate is required to have knowledge and skills in computer science or related areas in order to be admitted to the program.

Computer science and IT skills are important for workers today to help drive the country forward. Thailand has initiated the policy of evolving Thai industry towards industry 4.0 era which rely on knowledge and automation. With the competency in computer science, the goal of reaching industry 4.0 level can be realized. If you are interested in being a part of this initiative for modern and cutting-edge industry and business, the computer science program is right for you.